Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tuesday/Wednesday, Sept 7-8, 2010

OBJECTIVE: I will log into the computer with my username: firstname.lastname-id#
EX: porfirio.aguilar-1243, password: college

& I will take learning survey and decide which type of project I will create.

ASSIGN YOURSELF: Study for week 3 quiz, take out Homework for Mrs. Hinojosa to check.

1) Do Now- 12 min
2) Brainpop as a class: Discussion-Online Safety-facts, statistics, stories
4) Design a poster of online safety tips
5) I will decide which project I will create based on my learning survey.
6) exit question write in spiral: I will explain why I chose this project and do I believe the results of my survey match my true learning style? Explain.

Monday, August 30, 2010

9/2, Thursday-A, Saavedra's HR/9/3 Friday-B, Montilla's HR

OBJECTIVE: Students will be assessed over Week 2 terms and complete learning styles survey for project planning.

ASSIGN YOURSELF: HW: I will write objective & assign yourself in my spiral/study buddy and use the terms below to create sentences and a picture in my spiral! (write log in-for brainpop-ideabp)

1) anonymous, 2. personal, 3, screen name, 4. gender, 5. register, 6. social nework,

7. Administor, 8. password, 9. respect



1. DO NOW :review for quiz

2. Take Test-in QUIA 3:00-3:40

3. FIX YOUR SPIRAL- spend time and get it organized

  • right-side-vocab,
  • project tic tact toe-folded in half-next right page,
  • Goals worksheet-folded in half-next right page extra credit to test if completed before next week when I check your homework! bonus 20 points will be added to your test grade!

    • Calendar of all HW assignments and class assignments- on spiral inside cover or back cover folded

4. Click here to go to brainpop and watch video & take quiz will help you with next week's test!

5. Take Learning Style's Survey-Video Clip-Ethical

6. EXTRA CREDIT IF DONE-Before we do as a class! Those who do will be leaders in class to help others next week! Choose project type for first project and write your name and learning style on 3x5 card.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


OBJECTIVE: Students will be assessed over Week 2 terms and typing speed.

ASSIGN YOURSELF: Study for Part A- Exam multiple choice, Rags to Riches.


1) Assign Yourself- STUDY!
2) Do Now: What do you think about SLANT ? What is the most important reason to use SLANT ? write on 3x5 card.
3) I will take out my Story for HW check & Review for Week 2 Exam, Win a million while Mrs. Hinojosa's does HW check.
4) Finished with TEST: --Open up MS Word and Type: My name is : I chose to come to IDEA Pharr College Prep because: I will pass back your paper for those that turned in, when you are finished you will take your picture in Photobooth.
5) Goal Setting Sheet Complete -When you are done-see example-due at the end of period