OBJECTIVE: Students will be assessed over Week 2 terms and complete learning styles survey for project planning.
ASSIGN YOURSELF: HW: I will write objective & assign yourself in my spiral/study buddy and use the terms below to create sentences and a picture in my spiral! (write log in-for brainpop-ideabp)
1) anonymous, 2. personal, 3, screen name, 4. gender, 5. register, 6. social nework,
7. Administor, 8. password, 9. respect
1. DO NOW :review for quiz
2. Take Test-in QUIA 3:00-3:40
3. FIX YOUR SPIRAL- spend time and get it organized
- right-side-vocab,
- project tic tact toe-folded in half-next right page,
- Goals worksheet-folded in half-next right page extra credit to test if completed before next week when I check your homework! bonus 20 points will be added to your test grade!
- Calendar of all HW assignments and class assignments- on spiral inside cover or back cover folded
4. Click here to go to brainpop and watch video & take quiz will help you with next week's test!
5. Take Learning Style's Survey-Video Clip-Ethical
6. EXTRA CREDIT IF DONE-Before we do as a class! Those who do will be leaders in class to help others next week! Choose project type for first project and write your name and learning style on 3x5 card.