Friday, October 8, 2010


OBJECTIVE: Today I will email 3 powerpoint slides to Mrs. Hinojosa

ASSESSMENT TODAY: I will be tested on logging into Techconnect correctly. I have 5 minutes to log into laptop and techconnect. Second assessment will be sending 3 slides in powerpoint to Mrs. Hinojosa

ASSIGN YOURSELF: Powerpoint project NEXT FRIDAY, DUE 10/15

EXPLAIN THE DAILY EXPECTATION TO go directly to the weekly project in TECHCONNECT-access code : AC133

1. Read as a class Lesson AC133
2. Demonstrate how to open to windows one for techconncet and one with powerpoint
3. Demonstrate how to save powerpoint slides on one page- as a handout GOAL IS 3 SLIDES.
4. Students are independently logging into Techconnect and Outlook
5. If time permits students will send me an email explaining: What is my expectation from now on when you get to class.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

10/6, WED


OBJECTIVE: Today I will learn how to use Techconnect to guide me in creating my project.

ASSESSMENT TODAY: I will be tested on logging into Techconnect correctly. I have 5 minutes to log into laptop and techconnect. Second assessment will be creating 3 slides in powerpoint.

ASSIGN YOURSELF: Powerpoint project DUE 10/15

EXPLAIN THE DAILY EXPECTATION TO go directly to the weekly project in TECHCONNECT-access code : AC133

1. Read as a class Lesson AC133
2. Demonstrate how to open to windows one for techconncet and one with powerpoint
3. Demonstrate how to save powerpoint slides on one page- as a handout GOAL IS 3 SLIDES.
4. Students are independently logging into Techconnect and Outlook
5. If time permits students will send me an email explaining: What is my expectation from now on when you get to class.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 4, Saavedra/october 5,Montilla

OBJECTIVE: Today I will learn how to log into TECHCONNECT.
ASSIGN YOURSELF: Quiz on Thursday/Friday on how to log into Techconnect.
DO NOW: Log into laptop
TODAY'S TEST: I will be timed on how long it takes me to log into Techconnect.
1) -DO Now-2 min-> Log into computer
2) Pass out logins-AGAIN
3) Demonstrate how to log into TECHCONNECT.
4) Demonstrate how to open up two windows, Blog and Techconnect
5). If time permits Demonstrate how to log into Gaggle email, too. (20 min)
Today I will practice logging into laptop correctly, Techconnect, Gaggle, laptop & QUIA
(10 min)