1) OBJECTIVE: I will prepare for IA#1 with study guide.
2) ASSIGN YOURSELF: IA#1, Monday, 9/27
–Study use notes in study buddy
–Rags to Riches posted
–Study Guide Review
-Learning Style Survey- DUE 9/27
3) DO NOW: Take our HW-Material for project-
Review and read your spiral while I take attendance.
- Week 1, Computer Procedures
- Week 2, Digital Etiquette
- Week 3, Online Safety
- Week 4, Computer Hardware/Storage Devices
- 5) STUDY GUIDE- As a class we will go through all 40 questions and discuss any questions about terms
- Students will pass their spiral to person on their right
- Classmate will grade questions 1-5 for classmate
- Pass back to student -EACH student will self assess by answering questions 1-9 and assign yourself a grade. -I WILL PICK UP AT DOOR!!
- 7) LEARNING STYLE SURVEY- Homework- Each student should complete front and back to figure out if they are VISUAL, VISUAL READING, AUDITORY OR KINESTHETIC LEARNER.
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